July 11, 2015 |
Saturday Morning Post: The Weekly View from Washington
It came as something of an unexpected relief this week when Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush exchanged snipes online. Amid a seemingly endless series of news cycles dedicated to the rolling circus of Donald Trump's campaign-cum-publicity stunt, here at last was the start of a serious volley between serious candidates. After Bush stepped in it by appearing to imply that Americans aren't working hard enough, Clinton took to Twitter to scold him as out of touch. She included a graph from the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute showing how wage growth has flatlined over the last three decades as productivity soared. Bush, in a rapid response, used the opportunity to clarify his meaning — that the number of underemployed workers demonstrates the weakness of the recovery. Indeed, the fuller context of Bush's original remarks makes clear that his diagnosis of the economy's biggest structural problem actually matches that of his front-running rival. At least they're talking. So what does each propose to do about it? Bush in the same interview that landed him in trouble suggested slashing tax rates across the board, without naming targets. More specificity is presumably forthcoming. For Clinton's answer, tune in on Monday. The Democrat will deliver what her camp has billed as a meaty policy address at New York City's New School, laying out her vision for growth with shared gains. So far in her campaign, Clinton has walked a careful line between a liberal base itching for confrontation and a donor class wary of measures they'd view as punitive. But evidence of the party's leftward lurch is evident in the bracingly huge crowds turning out for Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist. While the Vermont senator doesn't yet pose a threat to Clinton's nomination, the enthusiasm his candidacy is generating has her Brooklyn headquarters on notice. Meanwhile, the consensus among Democratic policy thinkers is moving Sanders's way, with the centrists that shaped Bill Clinton's economics now advocating curbs on executive compensation and stock buybacks and calling out Wall Street short-termism. The gravitational shift within the party is creating room for Clinton to embrace a more robustly activist role for government. It's an opportunity she must measure against its downsides in the general election. Look for her Monday speech to be her clearest articulation yet of how she plans to manage those competing demands. And feel free to put the Trump Show on mute.
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