Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Ivanka addresses the MPWs

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October 10, 2017

Good morning, Broadsheet readers! The most powerful woman in North Korea expands her influence, we learn how the Weinstein mess and other harassment scandals are hurting all of our careers, and Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit rolls into Day 2. Have a fantastic Tuesday.


 Trudeau meets the MPWs. Today's Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit agenda kicks off at 7 a.m. Eastern and goes strong all day—wrapping up with an appearance by our token MPM (Most Powerful Man), Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Just a few of today's highlights, all of which will be livestreamed, to add to your calendars:

  • 9:15 a.m.: PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi
  • 9:35 a.m.: Thrive Global founder and CEO Arianna Huffington
  • 12:00 p.m.: GM CEO Mary Barra
  • 12:20 p.m.: Diane von Furstenberg, founder and co-chairman, DVF Studio
  • 3:10 p.m.: The Black Ceiling: A panel discussion on black female leadership.
  • 8:00 p.m.: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Click here to visit the livestream, which starts at 9 a.m. And for a recap of yesterday's action, read on....


 DACA dilemma. Ivanka Trump told the MPW Summit dinner crowd that she wants a "longterm Congressional fix" to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that President Donald Trump decided to end in September. She said the nation's immigration problem "cannot be bandaged over at the presidential level through another executive order that can be rescinded by a subsequent administration." Fortune

 Reading between the tweets. There were other conversations about the Trump administration at the Summit on Monday. During a panel discussion, Citigroup chief global political analyst Tina Fordham said she flagged President Trump's Twitter feed as one of the top risks for 2017. "It was a little bit tongue and cheek, but authorities around the world are watching the president's Twitter feed to try to anticipate what's next," she said. Fortune

Vetting process. In a wide-ranging panel discussion about mindfulness in the workplace, Ardine Williams, vice president of people operations for Amazon.com, shared this tidbit: Amazon has found that military veterans, who possess strong problem-solving skills and a comfort with uncertainty, work especially well in today's ever-changing business environment. Fortune

Eyes on the Target. Speaking of Amazon: If the e-commerce giant scares Target, executives at the discount retail chain aren't letting it on. Target's stock fell 12% immediately after Amazon announced its acquisition of Whole Foods in June, but at the Summit on Monday, CFO Cathy Smith said Target is "going to win when [it's] the best Target and not trying to be a competitor against Amazon or anyone else." Fortune

 Great idea. How do you define innovation? Microsoft chief experience officer Julie Larson-Green has a pretty good take: "Idea plus impact." She and fellow MPW Summit panelists shared their top tips for taking the fear out change—and actually bringing those fresh new ideas from pie-in-the sky concept to concrete reality. Fortune

content from Deloitte
Nurturing careers and families
A two-career household often makes it challenging for parents to raise children while handling high-powered jobs. But an inclusive culture empowers all individuals to play to their strengths, says Deloitte University Managing Director Heidi Soltis-Berner.

 Hollywood vs. Harvey. Hollywood stars continue to condemn the alleged sexual harassment committed by Harvey Weinstein, with actors George Clooney, Meryl Streep, and Judi Dench all blasting the legendary producer for his reported misconduct. Fashion mogul Donna Karen, meanwhile, appeared to defend Weinstein, saying that his accusers may have been "asking for it," but she later walked back those comments. People

 Off the air. ESPN suspended Jemele Hill for two weeks yesterday after the host suggested fans boycott Dallas Cowboys' advertisers if they disagreed with owner Jerry Jones's decision to punish players who participate in national anthem protests. ESPN said it was Hill's second violation of the broadcaster's social media policy; she called Donald Trump a white supremacist on Twitter last month. Fortune

 A new Kim to keep up with. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has promoted his younger sister Kim Yo-jong to the secretive country's powerful politburo, solidifying her position as one of the most influential women in North Korea. She replaces their aunt, Kim Kyong-hee, who was a key decision maker when their father, the former leader Kim Jong-il, was alive. The Guardian

 Science of sexism. The New York Times' Claire Cain Miller dives into the research about how high-profile sexual harassment scandals (think Weinstein, Fox, assorted VCs) can prompt men to be extra cautious in interacting with women in the workplace—and the ways in which that shift in behavior can hurt women's careers. New York Times

 More fallout at Fox. Dianne Brandi, executive vice president of legal and business affairs at Fox, has taken a sudden voluntary leave. While little is known about her departure, she has been accused of concealing inappropriate behavior by ousted Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, and her activities are reportedly being examined by the U.S. attorney's office in Manhattan as part of an investigation into the handling of sexual assault accusations at the network. Fortune

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Apple's first ever VP of diversity and inclusion says she focuses on everyone, not just minorities  Quartz

At Queens museum, director Laura Raicovich is as political as the art  New York Times

Ivana Trump says Donald doesn't deserve the credit for raising their kids  Fortune

How Uber secretly lobbied for women to drive in Saudi Arabia   Quartz


I look to my left I see Harry Reid, I look to my right I see Mitch McConnell. Every girl's dream on New Year's Eve.
Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) at the MPW Summit, recalling 'fiscal cliff night.' She went on to explain how women govern differently.
EMAIL Kristen Bellstrom
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